7 Ways Poor Sleep Affects Your Health

7 Ways Poor Sleep Affects Your Health

Wіth aging, ѕlеер раttеrnѕ tеnd tо сhаngе. Mоѕt реорlе fіnd that аgіng саuѕеѕ them to hаvе a harder time falling аѕlеер. They awaken more often durіng thе nіght аnd еаrlіеr in thе mоrnіng. Total ѕlеер tіmе stays thе ѕаmе or is ѕlіghtlу decreased (6.5 tо 7 hоurѕ реr...
Natural Herbs That Help You Sleep Even With Hypothyroidism

Natural Herbs That Help You Sleep Even With Hypothyroidism

One of the biggest problems those of us with hypothyroidism suffer from is insomnia. You go to bed at night but just can’t stay asleep; wake up at two, three or four in the morning, stay awake for an hour or two, wondering if you will ever fall back to sleep...
7 Tips For Sleeping Better With Hypothyroidism

7 Tips For Sleeping Better With Hypothyroidism

Sleep that elusive state of bliss for most of  us that suffer with hypothyroidism. We are tired. The 7 Tips for sleeping better with hypothyroidism should help. Dog tired – most of the day. Yet, when we crawl into bed for some reason, suddenly our brains...
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